How to avoid new pains and aches while working from home?
This new reality includes much more work from home, which has many benefits but is challenging our bodies. We know that prevention is always the best way when it comes to healthy lifestyle.
So, spend few minutes to organise your workstation. It will be worth it! .
Adjust your chair so you can use the keyboard with wrist and forearms straight and elbow bent roughly at 45 degrees.
Rest your feet on the floor, use a footrest if needed and don't cross your legs, this can cause posture-related problems.
Use a lumbar support, our spine should have a natural in-ward curve at lower back, and shoulder blades should be relaxed, almost close to eachother giving space to the chest to open. Also a small pillow or rolled towel can do the job.
Place your screen at eye level, avoid bending your neck.
Keep keyboard and mouse close, use wrist support if needed. Wrist strain is one of the most common job-related injury in office workers.
Avoid screen reflection and adjust screen's brightness to avoid eyes strain, this contribute to headaches and migraines.
Take regular breaks! frequent and shorter breaks are better than few longer ones. There is increasing evidence that sitting long hours a day slows the metabolism*.
Change position as often as you can.
Streach between one task and the other.
We show you some streatches you can do while sitting at your desk:
LEGS → Sits at the edge of the chair, extend one leg in front of you, heel on the floor and toes pointing up and bend with your chest towards the leg.
WRIST → Place your fingers on the desk i front of you and push down with the heel of your hands. Count 10 sec and lift with some resistance
CHEST → bend your arms at the elbow in L-shape in front of you with palms pointing up and move forearms back opening the chest. Repeat it 5 times.
By Roberta
Reference ; NHS website.