Is massage effective for relieving stress?

Coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected us all in different ways, and it's been a worrying time for lots of us. As the situation changes, you might feel anxiety about the future or frustrated by the way your life has changed.

Anxiety isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It can spur us on, help us stay alert, make us aware of risks and motivate us to solve problems.

However, anxiety can be a problem if it’s affecting your ability to live your life. If your anxiety is ongoing, intense, hard to control or out of proportion to your situation, it can be the sign of a mental health problem.

How can I help myself?

You may find that complementary and alternative therapies help you to manage your anxiety.

There are some types that you can try with us, to see what works for you. 

These include

  • Massage

  • Aromatherapy

  • Reflexology

How does massage work for anxiety?

The Power of Touch

As humans, we are incredibly social creatures, and physical touch is critical in all stages of life. As we get older, this need does not dissipate. When in an isolated state, you are typically getting less physical contact, which worsens symptoms. 

With an understanding of the positive and stress-reducing effects touch has on us, here are four reasons why massage therapy can help manage anxiety.

1. You feel connected

 When you’re receiving a massage, you feel connected and secure with your massage therapist, which  is especially beneficial for those dealing with isolating thoughts.

2. Promotes better sleep

By reducing cortisol and lowering your heart rate, massages help people not only fall asleep easier, but also experience longer periods of deep sleep.

3. Decreased heart rate and blood pressure

Because massage therapy helps relax both the body and the mind, blood pressure and heart rate slow down during a treatment. Remembering that both of these are classic symptoms of an anxiety disorder, decreasing these will help you relax and stay relaxed.

4. Releases hormones

While receiving a massage, your body is releasing helpful hormones, e.g dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin. These hormones can dramatically help reduce the symptoms of anxiety and leave you feeling balanced and centered.  

Takako Iida