benefits of a Hand Massage
Have you ever heard about texting thumb?
Nowadays, it is a very common condition because of the exaggerated use of smartphones and tablets. Repetitive actions of texting and scrolling for a long period of time, cause stress and inflammation on those small tendons and muscles of our hands and wrist.
Before it was known as mommy’s thumb, it used to happen in new mums because of the continuous lifting of their kids.This pain can also cause a consequent shoulder and neck discomfort associated with pain.
Your hands deserve as much attention as all our body, and regular hand and arm massages could keep the pain at bay and keep our joints healthy.
Our hands contain many acupressure and reflexology points associated with internal organs; a 15-minute hand and arm massage could definitely improve circulation and donate you an overall wellness feeling.
When you start feeling some pain at the base of your wrist or thumb
- put your phone on the side for a while,
- do some gentle stretching with your hands
- book a massage, to give those muscles and tendons some rest.
We know that all body’s part are interrelated so an not treated pain in the wrist can result in an imbalance in your arm, shoulder and neck.
During hand and arm massage we perform deeper strokes on your arm, up to the deltoid and traps, which will provide you with many benefits:
reduce the restriction caused by bad posture and body’s misalignment
improve flexibility and tissue elasticity
relieve muscle tightness and tension
Reduce inflammation. --