Aromas to boost immunity

We are living exposed to toxins and stressors which can really put a strain on our immune system. 

Below, I’ve included some of the most common essential oils for immunity, plus a few that contain powerful antimicrobial compounds that can be especially useful in fighting off a wide range of bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

> Eucalyptus

The essential oil is warming oil it works especially well if you are feeling chilled. And also with its strong antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties it strengthens the immune system and invigorates the body 

( It is especially good for infections of the respiratory tract such as colds, flu and sinusitis. )


Similar to eucalyptus oil, rosemary essential oil has a positive effect on protecting you from airway illnesses.On top of that, the oil has fortifying qualities boosting the immune system because of its psychological benefits.


It has anti viral, anti-microbial, and anti-bacterial properties that make it a great addition to our body's natural defence system. Another added benefit of using lavender is its ability to relieve stress.


The essential oil is high in vitamin C, a natural antioxidant which enhances the immune system and has antiviral and antibacterial properties.

When it comes to staying healthy, you should try Essential oils to boost your immune system for wellness.

Takako Iida