What is Pregnancy Massage?

Receiving a massage during pregnancy can ease pain and reduce anxiety. It can help you cope with contractions by making them feel less intense and more manageable, reducing labour time.

Our pregnancy massage is usually provided on the side with a comfortable pillow. 

What is Pregnancy Massage?

There are many different massage techniques which can be drawn on by the therapist for pregnancy massage. Typically, deep tissue techniques will be avoided, and more gentle techniques will be used. 

Massage therapists use gentle and long strokes, designed to make you feel comfortable, womanly and at ease.


We are not offering massage to a woman who is still in her first trimester because of the increased risk for miscarriage associated with the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

When to avoid Massages?

If you are experiencing these, you should speak with a health care provider prior to receiving a massage:

  • Morning sickness, nausea or vomiting

  • High-risk pregnancies such as placental abruption

  • Preeclampsia

  • Severe swelling, high blood pressure or sudden severe headache

What are the benefits of pregnancy massage?

There are several benefits of getting a pregnancy massage for expectant mothers and their babies. 

You can expect,

  • Pain relief

  • Reduces swelling

  • Improves Sleep

  • Reduced stress and anxiety

It feels good, is excellent in promoting relaxation and bonding, soothes nerves, and relieves strained back and tired muscles.

Pregnant women have a lot to deal with – the aches and pains can be endless, and the extra weight can put strains on parts they didn’t even know were there until the pregnancy developed; overall, the bodily changes can mean significant challenges for many pregnant women. 

Receiving regular massage therapy throughout your pregnancy can have a whole host of benefits that will hopefully make your pregnancy and birth experience a little bit better and more comfortable.  

Takako Iida