Suncare and sunscreen

Why Suncare is so important?

As we age, our facial structure changes, this is down partially to internal ageing but also environmental factors, such as UV and pollution. Sun exposure is one of the most avoidable causes of wrinkles, sagging and skin discolouration.

A study released in 2013 found that UV exposure seems to be responsible for 80% of visible aging signs on your face.

Moreover, skin cancer is the fifth most common form of cancer in the UK, and it is estimated that 86% of skin cancer cases are caused by excessive exposure to the sun’s damaging UV rays.

There are certain factors which raise an individual’s risk of skin cancer.

According to Cancer Research UK, these include:

• Age

• Sun exposure

• A history of sunburn: repeated burning when young can increase risk as you age.

• Fair skin: especially those with blonde or red hair

• Sunbeds and tanning

• Previous instances of skin cancer

• Family history of skin cancer

• Skin conditions including eczema and Psoriasis

Let’s protect our skin from sun!

Broad spectrum SPF use should be a non-negotiable part of all skin regimes.

For additional protection there are certain ingredients that can help the skin to minimise the free radical damage induced by the sun.

What kind of sunscreen we should use?

Did you know? There is less than 5% difference in protection between SPF15 and SPF50. It is scientifically proven that higher SPF products provide minimal added protection, but contain higher concentrations of the chemical sunscreen ingredients, which can trigger free radical assault on the skin.

It is logical to assume that high numbered SPFs provide twice the protection,

but they only block a marginal amount more rays and contain a much higher level of potentially harmful chemicals.

Research has shown that high SPFs can sometimes be harmful when left on the skin.

Therefore, Environ’s RAD SPF15 is highly regarded and recommended by skincare professionals and medical professionals around the world. 

Rad SPF15 is a revolutionary industry-leading formulation that contains a combination of sun reflectors and absorbers in combination with antioxidants.

Takako Iida